Beseder Gallery

Date: 12.3. - 23.4.2025

Exhibition: The Man of the Double (Jiří Černický, Filip Dvořák)

We would like to invite you to the unique exhibition The Human Doppelgänger by artists Jiří Černický and Filip Dvořák, which will open on Wednesday 12 March at 7:00 pm with an vernissage.

The Human Doppelgänger
Jiří Černický and Filip Dvořák

The exhibition is a kind of blending of two generations of artists. In this case, they participate together
student and his teacher, who considers the former student to be one of the most talented.
However, the installation is not so much about symbiosis as it is about confrontation. The right term is
is really interpenetration or proximity, sometimes expressed almost as an intersection. Both use forms of
balancing on the boundary of surface and space. Many of their creations contain hidden stories,
images within images, combinations of techniques and theatrical or scenographic elements, where seemingly 2D
form breaks into another sometimes illusively magical space and vice versa, where 3D has
space tends to flatten into a seemingly boring surface with a formalizing coating. It is not in
the result is not so much about whose is whose, but whether the doppelgänger has an adequate human.